Beckett Water Gardening producto de plomería M60A Manual

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Beckett Water Gardening producto de plomería M60A
A clogged or dirty intake screen will greatly reduce performance. If the pump is used on a dirty
surface, raise it slightly to reduce the amount of debris contacting the intake.
If less flow is desired, adjust it with the flow control. Never restrict the pump’s intake.
To clean the pump, remove the front plate and the impeller. Use a small brush or stream of water
to remove any debris.
CAUTION: The pump shaft cannot be removed.
Check the circuit breaker and try another outlet to ensure the pump is getting electrical
NOTE: always disconnect from electrical outlet before handling the pump.
Check the pump discharge and tubing for kinks and
obstructions. Algae build up can be flushed out with a garden
Check the intake screen to ensure it is not clogged with
Remove the pump inlet to access the impeller
area. Turn the impeller to ensure it is not broken
or jammed.
If the impeller area is encrusted with minerals or
corrosion, gently scrape the area clean.
If your pump has been idle for an
extended period, it may be necessary
to apply a drop of light oil to the shaft
and spin the impeller by hand until it
turns freely.
Monthly maintenance will add to your
pump’s life.
All Beckett pumps are warranted to the user against defective material and workmanship under normal use, for a
period of 1 year from the date of purchase by the original purchaser. All other Beckett products are warranted to
the user against defective material and workmanship for 3 months from the date of purchase. Replacement
liability in all events is limited to the replacing or repairing at Beckett’s sole discretion of any part or parts, which
are defective in material or workmanship. Proof of purchase is required on all claims in the form of invoice copy,
sales ticket, etc.
APPLICATION: Warranty covers only properly installed and maintained units. Warranty is limited to applications
pumping fresh water at temperatures of 32°-86°F (0°-30°C), with a pH range of 5 to 9. Beckett Corporation must
approve other liquid applications and extreme temperature uses in advance in writing.
ADMINISTRATION: Warranty claims must be made by returning the defective part, freight prepaid, along with
proof of purchase, to: Beckett Corporation, Customer Care Dept., 3321 E. Princess Ann Rd. Norfolk, Va. 23502.
Phone authorization is required prior to returning merchandise (866-466-4319). All items returned will be
inspected to determine cause of failure before warranty is approved.
INSTALLATION and/or REMOVAL CHARGES: Warranty does not cover any costs associated with the
installation or removal of products subject to warranty claims.
DISPOSITION: Beckett will make a good-faith effort for prompt disposition regarding any item in warranty, which
proves to be defective. If products were damaged in transit, please file a claim with the carrier.
DISCLAIMER: Any oral statements about the product made by the seller, the manufacturer, the representatives
or any other parties, do not constitute warranties, should not be relied upon by the user, and are not part of the
contract for sale. Seller's and manufacturer's only obligation and buyer's and user's only remedy shall be for the
manufacturer to either replace and/or repair at the manufacturer's sole discretion the Beckett product as
described above. Neither seller nor the manufacturer shall be liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct,
incidental or consequential (including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential damages for lost profits, lost
sales, injury to person or property, or any other incidental or consequential loss), arising from any cause
whatsoever, no matter whether based upon warranty, contract, negligence or other misuse, and the buyer and
user agree that no other remedy shall be available to them. Before using, the buyer and user shall determine the
suitability of the product for the intended use, and assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection
herewith. The warranty and remedy described in this limited warranty is an EXCLUSIVE warranty and remedy. IN
LIEU of any other warranty or remedy, expressed or implied, which other warranties and remedies are hereby
expressly EXCLUDED, including but not limited to any implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This Warranty gives buyer and user specific legal rights, and buyer and user
may also have other rights that vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Les pompes sont soigneusement inspectées pour vérifier leur sûreté et leur bon fonctionnement
dans des bassins et des fontaines. Il faut cependant suivre les instructions et directives
suivantes sous peine de blessures ou de dommages causés à la pompe. Assurez-vous d’avoir lu
ce guide et de le conserver pour consultation ultérieure.
Le code de l’électricité stipule qu’un disjoncteur différentiel (ou de fuite à la terre) soit utilisé
avec le circuit terminal alimentant les pompes de fontaine et les autres accessoires du
bassin. Pour obtenir ce dispositif, consultez votre fournisseur de matériel électrique..
Ne retirez pas la broche de mise à terre de la fiche.
Ne branchez pas sur une tension autre que celle indiquée sur la pompe.
Ne pompez pas de liquides inflammables.
N’utilisez pas dans l’eau d’une température supérieure à 30 °C (86 °F).
Pour réduire le risque de choc électrique, utilisez seulement dans de petites fontaines
autonomes ayant moins de 152,4 cm (5 pieds) dans le sens de la largeur et de la longueur.
Risque de choc électrique : cette pompe est fournie avec un conducteur de mise a la terre
et une fiche de branchement avec la terre. Pour réduire le risque de choc électrique, veillez
à ce qu’elle soit branchée seulement à une prise correctement mise à la terre.
Assurez-vous que le câble électrique forme une boucle d’égouttement sous la prise. En
cas de fuite, cette boucle évitera que l’eau ne coule le long du câble et ne pénètre dans la
Cette pompe n'a été testée que pour sa capacité à pomper l'eau.
Toujours débrancher la pompe de la prise de courant avant de la manipuler.
Ne pas laisser la pompe fonctionner à sec.
Ne pas soulever la pompe par le cordon.
Ne pas pomper des liquides chauds.
N’utiliser que pour pomper de l’eau douce.
Maintenir la pompe complètement submergée pour assurer un bon refroidissement.
La pompe donne de meilleurs résultats lorsqu’elle reste submergée durant son fonctionnement.
Maintenez le niveau de l’eau EN PERMANENCE au-dessus du niveau minimal.
Régulateur de débit
Beckett pumps are carefully inspected and tested to ensure both safety and operating
performance for pond and fountain applications. However, failure to follow the instructions and
warnings in this manual may result in pump damage and/or serious injury. Be sure to read and
save this manual for future reference.
The National Electric Code requires that a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) be used in
the branch circuit supplying fountain pumps and other pond equipment. See your electrical
supplies dealer for this device.
Do not remove the grounding pin from the plug.
Do not connect to any voltage other than shown on the pump.
Do not pump flammable liquids.
Do not use with water above 86º Fahrenheit (30ºC).
To reduce the risk of electric shock, use only on portable self-contained fountains no larger
than 5 feet in any dimension.
Risk of electrical shock. This pump is supplied with a grounding conductor and grounding-
type attachment plug. To reduce the risk of electric shock, be certain that it is connected
only to a properly grounded, grounding-type receptacle.
Ensure that the electrical cord loops below the electrical outlet to form a “Drip Loop”. This
will prevent water from running down the cord into the electrical outlet.
This pump is intended for use with water only.
Always disconnect from electrical outlet before handling the pump.
Do not let the pump run dry.
Do not lift the pump by the power cord.
Do not pump heated liquids.
Operate in freshwater only.
Operate pump completely submerged for proper cooling.
In order to get best results, operate pump completely submerged. Keep the water level above
the minimum water level at ALL TIMES.
3321 E. Princess Ann Rd.
Norfolk, Va. 23502.
Phone: 866-466-4319
© 2007 BECKETT CORPORATION All Rights Reserved
Rev F
1.75” (44,45mm)
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